
The employees of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE took the prize in the international competition to the test the professional skill of air traffic controllers

Created on 30.03.2018 15:03

In accordance with the work plan of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” for 2017 - 2018, the 5th international competition to test the professional skill of air traffic controllers of air navigation Enterprises of the member states of the Coordination Council “Eurasia” was held during the period from February 26 to March 2, 2018 in               St. Petersburg (Russian Federation).

The competition was attended by 24 ATS specialists from 8 air navigation services Enterprises – the members of the Coordination Council “Eurasia”.

To participate in this competition from “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE a team was formed in the following composition:

M.Zh. Kongreev – air traffic controller - instructor of ACC of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary;

D.N. Lavrenyuk - air traffic controller - instructor of ATS of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary.

B.M. Izzhanov - air traffic controller - instructor of aerodrome control center of ATS of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary;

M.V. Surkov - head of the ACC of ATS of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary; (member of the organizing committee of the competition);

S.K. Parmanov - head of the ATM Division (member of the competitive commission and jury of the international competition).

The competition consisted of three rounds:

- Homework (presentation on the development of the ATM system);

- Theoretical preparation (knowledge of ICAO documents, English language, history of world civil aviation);

- Training on the ATC simulator.

According to the results of 5 days of competitive competitions, the team of “Kazaeronavigatsia” RSE, which took part for the first time in competitions, won the third place in the team event.

Also in the nomination “High level of English”, the winner was B.M. Izzhanov - the air traffic controller of aerodrome control center of ATS of the “Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” subsidiary