Lufthansa Technik offers onsite engine repair services in the CIS countries
Created on 27.09.2021 08:41
Onsite repairs or repairs without removing the engine from the wing would help to save money on engine maintenance. Lufthansa Technik provides a corresponding service package under the Mobile Engine Services brand to the CIS customers. Eliminating specific technical constraints can prevent the need for a complete recovery. Such small spot procedures might lead to working rationalization of engines without significant financial costs.
The German company believes that the Mobile Engine Services package is a smart option for finding fast and cost-effective repair solutions: savings are estimated by 95% on total costs and up to 65 days compared to a conventional repair in a workshop. The service includes boroscopic inspections without removing engines, replacement of fan blades, high-pressure turbine blades and even complete replacement of combustion chambers. These options are available at any airport in the CIS countries: Lufthansa Technik mechanics have all the necessary tools for the restoration of power plants and equipment.
The InOPERATION program includes an engine flushing, as well as an odour and leak detection. Flushing is currently available for Western-made narrow-body aircraft engines. The InSTATION program involves more complicated types and are operated at the closest registration base. For CIS customers, these are Frankfurt (Germany) and Shenzhen (PRC).