On the eve of the Nauryz Meiramy, Danil Weiss is being an air traffic controller of the "Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” branch of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" has become one of the winners and was awarded the medal of the "Elbasy Medal" program
Created on 05.04.2021 08:26
On the eve of the Nauryz Meiramy, Danil Weiss is being an air traffic controller of the "Central Kazakhstan Regional Center of ATM” branch of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia" has become one of the winners and was awarded the medal of the "Elbasy Medal" program. He had successfully passed all the stages and performed all conditions of the project.
Danil Danilovich Weiss was born in 1993. In 2016, he graduated from the Kazakh Agro Technical University named after I. S. Seifulin with a degree in Geodesy and Cartography. In 2018, Danil had attended initial training courses of air traffic controllers at the Aviation Training Center - GLOBAL ATS (Cheltenham, Great Britain) at the expense of the RSE "Kazaeronavigatsia". During his studies, he was actively involved in sports events, thereby winning prizes. In August 2018, his team became the England Amateur Ice Hockey Champions. Currently, Danil is working as an air traffic controller, participating in sports activities of the Enterprise.
The Elbasy Medal is the only national-level program, aimed at developing the young spirit. It consists of seven main areas: sports, talents and skills, reading books, national heritage, volunteering, expeditions and hiking, labor practice. Young Kazakhstan citizens aged 14 to 29 years old are able to participate in the program.
The Project's goal is to create a harmoniously personality capable of handling the challenges, systematically developing oneself in various areas, taking care of others and achieving goals and high results.
The commission of the "Elbasy Medal" program includes representatives of the Nursultan Nazarbayev Foundation, the Elbasy Academy, the Ministry of Information and Social Development, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Youth Congress of Kazakhstan, the media and the public.
In general, this project provides conditions for the expansion of educational, creative, cultural and other abilities for each participant. The program is designed in such a way that each participant can find their calling, develop self-esteem, thereby becoming a leader in their field.