
Airline revenues are down by 41% over year

Created on 01.03.2021 12:20

In January this year, national airline revenues amounted to 19.6 billion tenge, nearly 40.8% less than previously, including passenger transportation revenues in the amount of 17.9 billion tenge and cargo transportation in the amount of 1.7 billion tenge. Such data were provided by the portal.

For reference: in January 2020, revenues reached 33.1 billion tenge by increasing of 31.3% in a year.

In January this year, 592.1 thousand people were transported, which is 14.1% less than a year before. Passenger turnover amounted to 845.7 million pkm, having declined by 38.7% in a year.

In January 2021, state airlines transported 2.5 thousand tons of cargo and baggage, which is 34.1% more than a year before. Cargo turnover amounted to 5.4 million ton-kilometers, rising by 25.6% in a year.

Additionally, Air Astana has provided information on the timely implementation of flights. The flight is considered to be completed on time when it departs or arrives no later than 15 minutes after the time scheduled. Arrival is considered to be the arrival when passengers are coming to the airport, and departure is the departure when passengers are leaving the airport.

According to the company, as of February 18, 2021, the average flight timeliness over the past 30 days reached 90.9%. In 2020, the average flight timeliness was 87.6%. Prices for air transportation services in January decreased by 1.1% per month and by 5.9% per year.