Kazakhstan was admitted to the European Civil Aviation Conference
Created on 28.01.2021 15:06
Kazakhstan was granted observer status in the European Civil Aviation Conference becoming the third CIS country admitted to the ECAC. The Civil Aviation Committee of the Ministry of Industry and Infrastructure Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Aviation Administration of Kazakhstan signed a Memorandum on Cooperation with the European Civil Aviation Conference. The cooperation will encompass the flight safety, aviation accident investigations, aviation security, environment and other areas of international civil aviation, as reported by the kazlenta.kz.
Kazakhstan, becoming an Observer in the ESAC, gained a unique opportunity to discuss issues related to paramount importance for our country at the pan-European level, such as the flight safety of Kazakhstan carriers, the geographical route expansion, environmental and aviation security issues. Observers are engaged in public sessions and conferences held by the ECAC.
The ESAC is a discussion platform to consider possibilities of air transport production, aspirations and needs of passengers and carriers, as well as security issues. This is facilitated by the conference's resource, associated with the International Civil Aviation Organization and the Council of Europe and supported by the Eurocontrol, the European Aviation Safety Agency and interaction with other organizations.