Aeronautical Information Exchange Model- AIXM
AIXM (Aeronautical Information Exchange Model) - Aeronautical Information Exchange Model. Designed for the management and distribution of aeronautical information in digital form between databases.
AIXM format is represented as an XML file specific structures tied to databases aeronautical information.
AIXM version 5 includes benefits versions AIXM 4.5 and modern standards in the field of aeronautical information, support current and future requirements of aeronautical information.
The main principles:
- A comprehensive model of a temporary nature, including support for temporary information contained in NOTAMs;
- Unification with ISO standards for geodetic information, including the use of GML;
- Supports the latest ICAO requirements and user requirements for aeronautical information, including obstacles, approach procedures and database maps airports.
- Modularity and scalability to support current and future requirements for the transfer of aeronautical information and additional data.
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